Private Lessons

These one-on-one sessions are an excellent way to improve your tennis quickly. Coaching will not just include “tedious” drills to power up your skills, but also games-based learning to emphasise good stroke technique as well as good tactics and psychology. You won’t simply be told ‘what to do’ or ‘how to do a certain shot or skill’ but also ‘why’.
Lessons can also be tailored to your individual needs.
Semi-Private Lessons
Perfect for those looking to learn with a friend of a similar playing standard – at a more affordable price point too. Semi-private lessons can also give you a chance to work on doubles tactics while receiving great coach feedback and engagement with a one-to-two coach-to-player ratio.
Group Lessons

Sessions usually include 3 to 4 students. They can be a lot of fun, thanks to its social nature, and are a great way to test yourself against different players in a more “match-like” environment than in private lessons. Technical points and feedback are still given throughout the lesson on both a group and individual basis.
Women’s International Tennis Singapore (WITS) Team Training
Training is provided on your team’s request. These sessions will work on doubles strategies to hone your skills and improve the team’s performances. Both individualised and group feedback will be offered to best facilitate improvement – more specifically in tactics, shot selection and technique.
Hitting/Sparring Lessons

These sessions are for advanced players who have played tennis for many years and already have sound technical strokes. You can rally consistently, for example, and create opportunities to win points; you can serve well, volley and smash with confidence.
The sessions are high intensity and will provide high quality solid hitting that will ensure you’re feeling match-sharp afterwards. Often, full court hitting will be followed by cross-court hitting, serve and return, and then a match or point pay – the choice is yours.
Cardio Tennis

Cardio tennis is typically conducted with 5 to 6 players and works on your tennis fitness through a series of high intensity interval training drills.
In these sessions, there is a focus on hard work, fitness and team work, with less emphasis on players’ technique. Sessions are conducted with lower compression balls to place more emphasis on hitting the ball, previous skill or ability level is not important nor a requirement to participate in cardio tennis sessions.
Studies have shown that a cardio tennis lesson can burn up to 600 calories per person.

We offer private tennis tournaments for various ages.
Our last tournament was a red ball tournament for players ranging from 6 to 8 years old, most of whom were participating in their very first tournament. All players played 5 matches each and every player won at least one match. It was a great way for players to experience their first taste of competitive tennis in a fun and controlled environment.
Private/Birthday Parties

These private tennis parties – whether for birthdays or special events – are perfect for larger groups of children to come and experience tennis, possibly for the first time. They’ll get to hit lots of balls and play fun games. This can be a great introduction to tennis if they haven’t played before.